Rutina njege kose s Botanicals Fresh Care linijom


Tko je još u potrazi za idealnim proizvodima za njegu kose? Ja obožavam isprobavati nove i gotovo nikada ne kupujem iste dva puta za redom. No, s ovim proizvodima to možda i promijenim.

Who is still looking for the ideal hair care products? I love trying out new ones and I almost never buy the same twice in a row. But with these products, I might even change that.

Ovaj šampon i regenerator sam kupila kada sam se preselila u Belgiju jer me odmah zaintrigiralo da isprobam nešto što do sada nisam vidjela u ponudi kod nas. U međuvremenu su Botanicals proizvodi došli i u naš Muller i Bipu, tako da se nadam da će vam ova recenzija biti korisna.

I bought this shampoo and conditioner when I moved to Belgium because it immediately intrigued me to try something I have not seen before in Croatia. Meanwhile, Botanicals range products have also come to Croatia in Muller and Bipa so I hope this review will be helpful for readers from there.

Botanical fresh care sadrži 3 linije, a to su: šafranika za suhu kosu, korijander za slabu kosu te geranijum za beživotnu i bojanu kosu. Slogan ovih proizvoda glasi – „Otkrijte bolju prirodu svoje kose“, zvuči obećavajuće, zar ne? Botanicals brend je definitivno na luksuznijoj strani među drogerijskim proizvodima za kosu, a i dalje daleko pristupačniji od salonskih brendova. Proizvodi iz linije obogaćeni su sastojcima prirodnog porijekla te ne sadrže silikone, parabene i bojila.

Botanical fresh care contains 3 following lines, saffron for dry hair, coriander for weak hair and geranium for dull and dyed hair. The product range goes by slogan “Find your hair's better nature”, sounds promising, right? The Botanicals brand is definitely on the more luxurious side of drugstore hair products, although they are still far more affordable than the salon brands. The products from this line are enriched with ingredients of natural origin and they do not contain silicones, parabens and colorants.

Ukratko o mojoj kosi, imam poludugu, ne tretiranu kosu. Vrhovi su mi dosta suhi, a vlasište mi se brzo masti te je uz to vrlo osjetljivo. Često imam problem sa šamponima koji su preagresivni jer mi izazivaju ljuštenje tjemena. Kada sam odabirala između ove tri linije, dosta sam se premišljala jer su mi sve tri zvučale kao nešto što bi mi moglo odgovarati. Na kraju sam se odlučila za šafraniku zato što obećaje da će dubinski njegovati kosu.

Short info about my hair, I have medium long, untreated hair. My ends are quite dry, and my scalp gets greasy fast. It’s also quite sensitive. I often have a problem with shampoos that are too aggressive because they cause flaking of my scalp. When I was choosing between these three lines, I had a lot of doubts because all the lines sounded like something that might suit me. In the end, I decided to go with the saffron because it claims to highly revitalize the hair.

Ova linija sadrži kombinaciju ulja kokosa, soje i šafranike za rezultat intenzivno nahranjene kose. Iskreno, do sada nisam niti čula za šafraniku, te sam čak mislila da je riječ o suncokretu (safflower - moja deklaracija je na engleskom). Kratkim istraživanjem saznala sam da je riječ o divnoj biljci, bogatoj uljima i lipidima. Upravo zbog toga često se koristi u kozmetičkim proizvodima za njegu suhe kose i kože.

This line contains a combination of coconut oil, soybeans and safflower to result in intensely nourished hair. Honestly, I haven’t heard about saffron before, and I even thought it was sunflower. In a brief research, I learned that it is a wonderful plant, rich in oil and lipids. It's therefore often used in cosmetic products for dry skin and hair care.

Sviđa mi se omjer pakiranja ovih proizvoda, dva puta veći šampon u odnosu na balzam, jer ih upravo tako i koristim – kosu šamponiram dva puta a balzam nanosim jednom. Zanimljiv detalj je da je ambalaža ovih proizvoda napravljena od 100% recikliranog materijala. Cijena šampona i balzama je 59,90 kn.

I like the packing ratio of these products - twice the size of the shampoo compared to the conditioner, because I use shampoo twice and I apply conditioner once. An interesting detail is that the packaging of these products is made of 100% recycled material. The price of shampoo and conditioner is around 10 €.

Šampon je rijetke teksture, svilenkast i savršenog mirisa! Za pranje trebam tri do četiri pumpice, jako se lijepo zapjeni i temeljito očisti vlasište. Pošto je ovo linija za suhu kosu bojala sam se kako će djelovati na mom vlasištu koje se brzo masti. Srećom, s njime mi je kosa čista jednako koliko i s drugim šamponima, a to je oko tri dana. Nažalost u sastavu sadrži SLS, stoga ukoliko ga izbjegavate ovaj šampon ćete morati preskočiti.

The shampoo has a liquid, silky texture and perfect scent! For washing I use three to four pumps. It foams richly and thoroughly cleans the scalp. Since this is hair line for dry hair I was scared that my scalp would get greasy fast. Fortunately, with it my hair is as clean long enough as with other shampoos, which is about three days. Unfortunately, the shampoo contains SLS, so if you are avoiding this ingredient you will have to skip this product.

Balzam je vrlo kremast i gust, gotovo kao neka maska. Također predivno miriši, te se miris zbilja dugo zadržava na kosi. Nanosim ga samo na otprilike pola dužine kose, kao i svaki balzam uostalom. Kosa je nakon korištenja izuzetno mekana i svilenkasta, a primijetila sam da se puno manje petlja i bude jako zaglađena. Sviđa mi se što nemam osjećaj da mi otežava kosu, iako divno nahrani kosu te ne moram nanositi dodatne proizvode poput ulja i seruma.

The conditioner is very creamy and thick, almost like a mask. It also has a  beautiful scent, which stays on hair for a long time. I apply it only to about half the length of my hair, same as I usually do with every conditioner. After using it, my hair was really soft and silky, and I noticed it wasn’t tangled and was overall smoothed. I like that my hair feels lightweight, even though it’s wonderfully nourished and I don’t have to apply extra products like oil or serum.

U liniji za suhu kosu uz šampon i balzam dostupna je i maska te tretman bez ispiranja. Ps. Cijela Botanicals linija je trenutno na popustu na weshopu E-kupi!

In the safflower line, there is also available a mask and a leave in treatment. Readers from Croatia can get entire Botanicals line currently discounted on the E-kupi webshop!

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  1. Imam samo šampon in ne vem če je ravno odličen za moje lase. Imam enak tip las kot ti, ampak imam občutek, da so po tem šamponu prej mastni. Mi je pa noro všeč ta nek zeliščni kokosov vonj. Zdaj bi definitivno rada preizkusila še balzam ali pa masko za lase iz iste linije :).


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